Some people confuse the jackfruit with the durian fruit, which looks similar, but there is a large difference. Durian has a strong odor that may not be pleasant to everyone; jackfruit smells sweet. Durian fruits are also much smaller than jackfruit; and the outside of durian may have spiky “thorns,” while a jackfruit has smooth bumps on its surface. Because it has a meaty texture when cooked, it’s a good swap for certain meat-based recipes, although it’s important to note that jackfruit doesn’t have a particularly high protein content, so you may still need a protein source if planning a main course anchored around a jackfruit recipe. When eaten regularly as part of a varied diet, the vitamins and minerals in jackfruit can help enhance immunity, may contain antioxidants that can help fight cancer, can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, aid in osteoporosis prevention, and improve digestion. It can also be a low-carb, vegan meat substitute for sweet or savory dishes. RELATED: You’ll Never Miss Meat With These Delicious Plant-Based Protein Options

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Jackfruit releases a sticky sap, so experts recommend oiling your knife and work surface prior to cutting a jackfruit. Cut a jackfruit as you would a pineapple: Slice it open and core the interior. It’s best to pull the jackfruit meat away from the rind of the jackfruit with your hands or an oiled spoon; it should pull apart easily when tugged. Raw jackfruit can be thrown into smoothies, mixed with yogurt, or added as a sweet topping to ice cream. Cooked jackfruit can be made into burger-like patties, added to tacos or salad, or even can be made into a pulled-pork-like dish, and eaten alone or on sandwiches. Consider using jackfruit in similar ways you’d use chicken to come up with some ideas for recipes that may work for you and your family. But remember, because it’s low in protein, adding a protein source (like beans) is helpful to make a jackfruit meal a complete, balanced meal. For example, jackfruit tacos, with cooked jackfruit and black beans, can be a delicious meat-free meal, and jackfruit can be added to many vegetarian recipes. Jackfruit BBQ is particularly popular. To make jackfruit like pulled pork, use canned jackfruit (in water or brine, not syrup) or slightly unripe fresh jackfruit, and cut or pull to a shredded consistency. Marinate in your favorite barbecue sauce for at least an hour, then sauté on the stove for about 30 minutes, stirring frequently before serving as you would traditional pulled pork, either on a bun or on its own.