Purchase Real Honey

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), honey is defined “as a thick, sweet, syrupy substance that bees make as food from the nectar of flowers and store in honeycombs.” Although this seems like a no-brainer, you may be surprised to find that some store-bought “honey” may include added ingredients aside from 100 percent pure honey.

Pay Attention to the Labels

Next time you’re at the supermarket, pay special attention to the labels on the bottle that will help you identify counterfeit honey. In February 2018, the FDA released guidelines for the industry on how to properly label honey and honey products. According to the FDA, honey should be a single-ingredient product and thus would not require an ingredient list on its labels. You may recall having seen “clover” or “orange blossom” honey at the store in the past. Don’t worry, this simply identifies the floral source from which the honey came from, which is completely acceptable. Look out for products that are not labeled as simply “honey.” The FDA indicates that a product that includes any added sweeteners or sugar cannot be labeled as honey. For example, a honey product with added corn syrup should be labeled as a “honey blend,” and include a detailed ingredient list. Thus, when shopping for honey, simply avoid products with any questionable ingredients that aren’t honey (like sugar or corn syrup) that may lessen the health benefits of natural, raw honey.

Take Note of Rising Prices

In recent years, the honey bee population has been rapidly declining, U.S. beekeepers have noticed a decline in the number of honey bee colonies they manage. Unfortunately, due to high demand for real, raw honey and declining bee populations, honey prices have also risen substantially. Some suppliers have turned to controversial methods of altering honey to meet the demands of the market. Imported honey has been under particular scrutiny as some foreign exporters were charged with the “ultrafiltration” of honey, or the shipping of impure honey, mislabeling of bottles, and use of chemicals banned in the U.S. Some refer to this as “honey laundering.”

Look for True Source Certified Honey

In an effort to combat illegal honey production, the non-profit True Source Honey launched a program called the True Source Certified voluntary system. It verifies that a participant’s sourcing practices are in compliance with U.S. and international trade laws. This program helps ensure that the honey you’re consuming is truly hive to table.

Locally Source Your Honey

The best way to ensure the supplier and source of your honey is to shop local. In doing so, you’re likely able personally know the beekeeper or supplier. Local honey contains local pollen that can help strengthen a person’s immune system and mitigate pollen allergies. You’re also able to ensure that the product has not been processed or pasteurized, which could diminish its nutritional value.

Become a Beekeeper

Lastly, if all else fails, become a beekeeper yourself. Did you know that one-third of the food we eat relies on bees for pollination? Support your local food systems while helping bolster the declining bee population by starting your very own backyard hive. That way you’ll be guaranteed endless supplies of raw, untainted honey (almost) all year-round.