What Is Orange Wine, Exactly?

Skin-contact refers to a style of wine making that produces orange-colored wine from white grapes. In essence, skin-contact wine is a white wine that’s made like a red wine. Typically, white wines have their skins removed prior to soaking and fermentation, whereas red wines keep their skins on. Orange wines are made by allowing the juice from white wine grapes to soak and ferment with the skins still on. The length of time that this fermentation process happens can range from a few hours to several months and is what determines the exact shade of orange you’ll see in your glass. By contrast, rosé is the inverse of orange wine. It’s made from red grapes that have had their skins removed early in the winemaking process. Because grape skins contribute a significant amount of tannins to wine, roses may taste less astringent and more light and refreshing than red wine.

What Does Orange Wine Taste Like?

The longer the juice and skins are in contact, the more these grapes will take on red wine characteristics — think more tannin, bolder flavor, and bigger body — while still maintaining the high acidity unique to white grapes. Really, any white wine grape can be used to make orange wine. The aroma, flavor, texture, and body of orange wine varies tremendously. This is why it’s a style of wine that’s so easy to love: there’s endless opportunity to smell, taste, and learn the entire spectrum to find what type is right for you. Do note that orange wines — because they more closely resemble reds — have more edge, richness, and earthy-sour notes to them than, say, a pinot grigio or even a glass of rosé. You might get notes of apricot, nutmeg, even apple cider or mushrooms in your glass. The more complex flavor profiles found in orange wines are perfect for those ready to explore something a little less “simple sipping” than rosé. We’ve graduated.

How Do I Serve It?

If it’s your first time tasting, make sure to enjoy your glass with proper food pairings. Though there’s a wide spectrum (as orange wines vary, so do their food pairings), foods with rich, salty, smoky flavors are a safe bet. Try it with cured meats (salami, prosciutto) and hard cheeses like parmesan or manchego (here’s how to make the perfect cheese platter). Once you’re ready to advance to the next level, you’ll find that the complex flavors in orange wine lend themselves to delicious ethnic cuisines, like Indian, Korean, or Moroccan food — the world is your oyster. Serve it at a chilled cellar temperature. If you don’t like it right away, try, try, again. Cheers to that!