Why You Need to Clean Portobello Mushrooms

When you buy portobello mushrooms at the store and see what looks like dirt in the packaging, chances are it’s not actually dirt. Portobellos are a cultivated variety of mushroom (versus wild), and are likely grown in sanitized, composted peat moss. While the moss is safe to consume, it can be disconcerting to do so, so we prefer to give our shrooms a rinse. Some people will tell you it’s a bad idea to wash mushrooms because they’ll absorb too much water and get soggy, but we’re here to tell you that’s a myth. Mushrooms are already mostly made of water, so a quick rinse won’t make a noticeable difference if it’s done right.

How to Clean Whole Portobello Mushrooms

Ready to cook up some meaty portobellos? First make sure you adequately clean your whole shrooms.

How to Clean Sliced Portobello Mushrooms

Since sliced portobello mushrooms have no stem, they are a bit easier to clean.

How to Store Portobello Mushrooms After Washing

Whole mushrooms last longer than sliced ones, so it’s best to keep them whole for storage. Once the portobellos are completely dry post-rinse, put them in an open plastic bag in the refrigerator. The opening will allow for ventilation and keep them good for a few days.Keep in mind that even the freshest mushrooms will spoil relatively quickly, so make sure to cook your portobellos soon after purchasing them—ideally within four to seven days. The same goes for sliced portobello mushrooms. You want to create a dry, ventilated environment in the fridge for them to stay fresh for longer. Once cooked, you generally have another three to five days to enjoy the flavorful fungi.