People from the dry climes of Arizona and Colorado write that it’s the “absolute best lotion [they] have found yet,” and more than 70 people with eczema say the cruelty-free, non-greasy, quick-absorbing formula keeps flare-ups and run-of-the-mill dry skin at bay. “It has done miracles with my skin,” one shopper writes of the lotion’s effect on the “dry, scaly lizard skin” that crept up on them with age. “I call it my fountain of youth.” To buy: $14; Another shopper calls it the “best body lotion on the market,” writing, “been using it for many years, so naturally I look 10 years younger than everyone else my age!” One more writes that they always return to the lotion for its help with skin firmness and wrinkle control, and another says they’re especially in awe of its work on dry hands and “crepe-like” skin. The effects even won the approval of shoppers’ dermatologists, and the praise that their skin “is going to age well” between using the lotion and staying out of the sun. Licensed estheticians pop up in the comments as well, endorsing the lotion’s emollients and organic botanical extracts for moisturizing skin and keeping it looking fresh. And registered nurses likewise say that despite having chapped hands from washing “a thousand times daily,” the lotion heals them up instantly—so they spread the good word to all their patients, and anyone who has skin problems.