I probably don’t need to say that I am tired, which is good, because there really aren’t enough words for how exhausted I am. Plus, I recently went back to work writing, making me even more drained. It’s not pleasant to feel tired, of course, but in my opinion it’s a big bummer to look as tired as you feel. While I thankfully don’t have to look presentable logging on to any Zooms with coworkers, I still look at myself in the mirror every day, and it’s nice to see a reflection that at least appears to have it together—especially since my postpartum hormones are causing night sweats and hair loss that wreak additional havoc on my appearance (good riddance). Throw it all together with a lack of sleep and I have a recipe for some seriously haggard-looking mornings. But still, I’m a big believer in the “fake it til you make it” mentality. And while a great eye cream won’t necessarily help anyone in my family sleep through the night, on my second go-around as a new mom, I’ve figured out a couple of tricks to at least pretend like I feel well-rested. And although I’m no sleep expert, I swear it’s true: When you look a little less tired, you feel a little less tired. Below, some of the products that have become necessities in my mom routine (aside from diaper bags and baby carriers, that is).