I was provided a discount at Beaches as part of the Social Media on the Sand conference. While I received a discount, all opinions are 100% honest and my own. This post also contains affiliate links.  In the past, when I’ve asked friends talk about the food at all-inclusive resorts, it’s always kind of the same response. It’s okay, I mean it’s all-included, so that’s nice. But no one is every blown away by the food or even really speaks highly of it. Until you ask them about the food at Beaches. Before our trip to Beaches Turks & Caicos for Social Media on the Sand last year, I searched all over the internet trying to figure out what the best things to eat there were. Or even the best restaurants. And I couldn’t find anything, just lots of people talking about how yummy the food was. Beaches has over 20 different international restaurants to choose from with everything from a Japanese steakhouse to a jerk shack right on the beach. There’s literally something for everyone whether you’re picky like me or a gourmet foodie like my husband. Everything is included so really you could try out every single thing there is to eat at Beaches but if you’re like me and only have a week and not an entire lifetime, these are the ten things you have to eat while you’re there! One word of advice, look at the restaurants before you get there and at least make a tentative plan. You’ll need to get reservations for Kimono’s (one of my favorite things to do at Beaches Turks and Caicos) but everything else is walk-in. But a lot of restaurants are only open for certain meal times, during certain times, or even just on certain days. Check it out and plan things to make sure you can get to the ones you want the most!

Best Things to Eat at Beaches Turks and Caicos

1 – Fruit You’re on a tropical island filled with palm trees and fresh fruit growing all over. One of my favorite places to eat for breakfast was the Reflections breakfast buffet in the main lobby because they had this huge selection of fresh fruit and best of all. Eat your fill then pack some of it up and put it in your fridge to snack on all day long.

2 – Coconut Shrimp If you look at the menus, you won’t actually see coconut shrimp anywhere on them. They used to make it at Neptune’s but took it off the menu sometime in the past year. I asked about it while I was there and they invited me to come back and made it for me special the next night. Amazing. If you’re a coconut shrimp fan like I am, ask for it and maybe you’ll get lucky like me!

3 – Chocolate Croissant Remember that amazing fruit I talked about a minute ago? At the same buffet, they have a huge selection of pastries and breads. Get a chocolate croissant. Or five. Unlike most chocolate croissants that have a tiny spot of chocolate in the middle, this one was filled and almost a bit melty. It might’ve been the most delicious chocolate croissant I’ve ever had, and that’s saying a lot for this girl whose been to France, the pastry capital of the world!

4 – Anything from Neptune’s There were only a few restaurants we ate at multiple times during our trip and Neptune’s was one of them. Neptune’s has a menu that would fit into any major DC gourmet dining scene with things like a chicken and sweet potato fries to grilled swordfish. And the quality of the food was incredible enough that we kept going back even when we had a ton of other options to choose from. Even my foodie husband was happy.

5 – Mahi Mahi from Kimono’s  Kimono’s is a Japanese steakhouse unlike any I’ve ever been to. Sure they do the onion volcano and toss shrimp into your mouth, but the thing that I loved most was that the chefs not only cook and talk, they sing. And they get the entire group to sing along with them. A singing chef plus mahi mahi cooked right in front of you makes for one delicious meal.

6 – Sushi at Soy  I’ll confess, I didn’t actually try the sushi at Soy but not because it wasn’t good, because I don’t eat sushi period. This recommendation comes from my husband who loves sushi and can confirm that it was good sushi. Just know that it’s all you can eat sushi (and included in the price) and one plate of sushi at Soy is much larger than a normal plate of sushi, so you may want to go lighter on the ordering side and add more if you need it later. We sadly weren’t able to finish even half of what we ordered because the plate sizes were so large.

7 – Jerk Pork from The Jerk Shack The Jerk Shack is this little shack that’s literally on the beach, just a hundred or so yards from the water. They sell jerk meats and tons of yummy sides and serve them in pieces of aluminum foil. It’s one of the freshest things at Beaches and also one of our favorites. If you’ve never had jerk meat before, it’s a little spicy, smoky, and so good.

8 – Wood-grilled Pizza at Bella Napoli Right next to one of the large pools is a small kiosk that sells delicious wood grilled pizzas to order. You can pretty much choose anything you want to go on it and they make them right there for you. Just make sure that you order them well in advance of when you actually want to eat because they take quite a while to make. They tell you what time your pizza will be done so you can go swim, get jerk chicken from the jerk shack, or go back to your room while you wait.

9 – Chocolate Mousse cake or Red Velvet Cake from Cafe de Paris Cafe de Paris is one of the few places that is open for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and all the times in between. They have little desserts, snacks, and drinks available pretty much all day. I tried everything they had to offer and hands down the chocolate mousse cake and red velvet cakes were my favorite. Don’t miss out on their daily chocolate fondue too, because well you can never go wrong with chocolate fondue!

10 – Breakfast at Sky Most mornings my husband and I wanted to sleep as long as possible and just went to the quick buffet, but we decided to change things up and ate one breakfast at Sky on a recommendation from a friend. The main selling point for Sky is the gorgeous view from the rooftop restaurant but their food is worth the visit as well. I had orange beignets and pancakes and my husband tried a traditional egg dish that he also enjoyed. And don’t forget the fresh squeezed orange juice.

Bonus – Fresh Coconut Water  I mentioned this in my post about the things you have to do at Beaches, but if you ask a worker, they’ll actually cut down a coconut from one of the trees for you. Fresh coconut water is better than anything you can buy in stores and the coconuts at Beaches are among the best I’ve ever had.

Have you been to Beaches? What’s on your list of best things to eat Beaches Turks and Caicos?  Make sure to check out this post of 10 things to do at Beaches Turks and Caicos for more help planning your trip!

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